How Does Colloidal Silver Help Heal Cuts

Fonte: Aktivix
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Rumors abound the the doctors in Mexico were being shot up with something in Mexico City and dropping dead within an hour. In this article describing a comprehensive 2006 study done by Gordon and Holtorf, entitled, "A Promising Cure for URTI Pandemics, Including H5N1 and SARS: Has the Final Solution to the Coming Plagues Been Discovered. You can find this EPA report by Googling "CASRN 77440-22-4". Ibuprofen and naproxen are a different cause for yeast infection and destruction of stomach flora. The reason they are showing you pictures of pigs is to take your mind off the fact that this is the old weaponized bird virus, undoubtedly the same weaponized virus that was "accidentally" sent to Europe several weeks ago. It does so by disabling the oxygen metabolism enzyme found in single celled organisms such as bacteria and fungi, as well as the enzyme found in most viruses.

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